Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Analysis of Representation Cultural Integration †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Analysis of Representation Cultural Integration. Answer: Introduction: Australian media is identified as one of the media, which is considered as highly equipped and well-defined in comparison to other media resources of the world. The categorization of influence is identified on different level, but the area which got selected for the discussion here is considered as the health care and culturally safe environment. The current trends of Australia are changing with the changing perspectives. The media was formed in Australia due to colonialism and existing perspective related to the organization. But, in the current frame, media is changing with a very fast speed. Currently, the two media companies are dominating the current aspects related to the market. These organizations are named as the Fairfax and Australian Press (Carlson Dreher, 2017). Both the firms are strongly contributing in the publicity of the local and global media. The media identified in Australia have its firm control on the services and current scenario linked to the county. Apart from this, the media also helps in developing transparent image of the society with the centralized control on the activities. In contrast of this report, the basic aspect is related to the health activities. The major role of the media is to define the unexplored aspects connected to the society. In fact, the current growth aspects related to the different organization may also be managed with the help of media. Apart from this, the Australian media may also assist in defining different growth perspectives on a definite level. As the health care system is defined in this report, so in contrast to the health care system, different perspectives are visualized. The identification of new techniques, management of the other growth factors and new innovations related to the hospitality are considered as some of the major roles of the media in the Australia. The expansion of new techniques and introduction of new discoveries may also get calculated with the help of strong role of media (Cukier Ngwebyama, 2009). From the past many years, the image of media is expanding with a rapid speed. The new discoveries and availability of different forms of media for the common people helps in exploring the general aspects. The different forms of media which are available for highlighting its power are named as the print, social, TV and many more. The power of media also expands because the circulation of news can be done with the help of new techniques and services. The past news and reviews says that the Australian newspapers brings a new technique from U.S. which is identified as the wireless technique. This technique will be helpful in improving the existing power of the Australian media as well (Harding, 2005). The specification to the current scenario and market aspects of health care are also defined with the help of power of existing media in Australia. The reachability towards the culturally health care is becoming easier and comfortable as well. The positive aspects of the power and role of media on the culturally safe health care are very impressive. It becomes easier to disclose new affirmations and achievements among the common people. The common people can also able to access definite set of information from the media. In fact, the complex diseases of Australia also need specific information, which can be explored through the help of media. The different sources of media will aid in exploring the information, but simultaneously, the negative side of this aspect is that the basic ideas and approaches are explored on a wide level. Due to this, sometimes negative aspects may also get explored in front of the common people as well (Roberts, 2008). Impact of the media on culturally safe care The Australian health industry is identified as one of the complex industry. There are various changes and challenges identified on a continuous level. Before initiating the impacts of media on health care system, it is essential to assume the actual health care system associated to the Australia as well. The approach to the health care system is long lasting. The health care system is multifaceted system, which is divided into various steps. The patients have to face various steps and after that, suitable assistance to the patient can be identified. To manage specific process of healthcare system, the media and its specific roles got mentioned (Leask, King, Hooker, 2010). In reference to the Australia, the media plays the prominent role in exploring an awareness among the people on a wide level. All media like print, voice and TV plays their specific role in spreading specific set of awareness among the people. The internet and TV media is identified with an unparalleled mechanism through which the communication mechanism gets more strengthened. For an example, the swine flu is identified as such disease in which the disease spread among the common people with a fast speed. In fact, the chances for recovery are also very less. The main reason is the hidden pitch of these diseases. The media plays a prominent role defining the actual cause and unexpected reviews related to the disease. It will be very helpful for the common people for their recovery. Similar to this, there are various perspectives, which are affecting the health of people and detected by media as well (Australian Government, 2017). The traditional components like the print media and radio are considered as the poor vehicles for spreading knowledge among the common people. For making the approach vibrant, new tools of media like evidence based Journalism or Forlorn Hope is considered as one of the major sources for making the identity possible. This tool will be helpful in defining basic cause and symptoms for the disease on a wide level. Apart from this, the common public can able to identify methods and solutions as well. Apart from these services, the media also come up with special programs in which the introduction of new technology and marvelous techniques are also specified on a large landscape. The common public can also identify the actual change that is occurring on the level of media (Belfrage, 2007). The media also assists in supporting live campaigns and promotions related to the current diseases affecting the society. These diseases are named as diabetes, low blood pressure, obesity and many other genetic disorders. To manage these diseases, the media campaign is essential to be planned. The media also helps in generating required funds and amount for the growth and development related to the new campaign introduced in the society as well. The new method of journalism may also help in introducing healthcare professionals. These healthcare professionals are helpful in providing specific details and aspects related to the disease which is affecting common people with a rapid speed. In fact, the University of Sydney Human research ethics committee also discloses that media is considered as the most vibrant method through which hidden diseases can be sorted out (Walker, Cromarty, Linkewich, 2010). The common people can understand the outcomes and general prescription related to th e current disease. In short, it can be identified that the media is considered as the strong tool which may aid in providing the details of specific disease and apart from this, best possible aspects related to the media may also get generated. Demonstration of potential influence on Cultural Safety The cultural safety is considered as one of the basis aspect which may help in defining major aspects related to the health in country. The cultural safety is mainly related to the participation, protection and partnership. To manage the cultural safety aspects, it needs to identify the selection of media items. The selection of the best media items will be helpful in providing assistance for the process of improvement as well. The two media items which got selected for the discussion process are identified as the print media and internet T.V media (Korff, 2017). The first media item is identified as the print media. This is recognized as the most specific and richest source of expanding services associated with the healthcare in Australia. Due to the introduction of technology, the society is changing with very fast rate. In fact, the sharing of information among the common people is also changing, but still print media is considered as the best source of sharing information on a wide level. In Australia, diseases like obesity in Adolescence, diabetes and high blood pressure are becoming common. The written report of these aspects can be defined with help of print media only. The print media plays a positive role in the process of spreading news and latest reviews related to the current diseases which are spreading with a wide speed. The information related to the disease can be identified in the form of written articles, surveys, feedbacks and well managed data. By this, it will become easier to make the communication suitable and focused. The power and influence of daily news in newspapers will be helpful in providing specific assistance for the improvement as well. On daily basis, the newspaper like the Australian, the telegraph, the Australian financial reviews and the Sydney morning Herald will aid in providing specific assistance in the correct direction for defining the disease to the common people. Apart from this, print media also acts as the cheapest source for reachability to the common people (Honigman, 2013). Any class of the people in Australia can afford this medium to identify the diseases, which are getting common day by day. In short, it can be identified that the potential influence of print media is very strong and connective. It may help in creating positive impact on various developmental aspects as well. The cultural safety in health care and major domains related to the areas of health can easily be managed with the help of print media. The potential generate by the organization is very strong and effective as well. The second media item which is identified for the discussion is named as the T.V and internet media. This media is also considered as the most prominent source of spreading information among the common people. There are various positive perspectives of the internet in spreading health awareness and generating health campaigns, but the negative side of the T.V. and internet is that by this, the wrong information may also get spread among the people. For an example, there are various aboriginal issues that are identified on an initial level. These aboriginal issues are not covered by the media. Generally, the TV and internet are considered as the major source for down putting and ignorant treatment of the aboriginal activities. The people and society who are suffering from these diseases have to face the side effects too (Macri, 2016). The majority of online and TV media keep on covering those diseases which are getting common. These hidden diseases have only few columnist and reporter s who are providing specific guidance to the common people. This negative influence will create an inappropriate impact on the developmental aspects on the society as well as on the health related process. Apart from this, some articles also define that the Australian media is not so diverse. Due to the issues of diversification, the criteria for covering the major reports are not being identified at a specific level. In the year 2015, a survey was conducted in which about 75% of the articles were fake and 25% of the articles were not getting sufficient ground for the improvement of health and culturally recognized health system. This shows the negative influence of the process in all the possible manners. Conclusion By assuming different perspectives and processes related to the different types of media and their role in the society, it can be assumed that it is essential to manage basic perspectives connected to the advertisement and publicity. The health care sector is wide and there are various diseases that are hidden. For expanding the knowledge and to share basic aspects related to the disease, it is essential to look forward for the definite approach and medium too. There are various mediums that are provided for the development and improvement as well. In the above report, the media and its power are creating strong influence on the current diseases that are spreading very rapidly. There are various negative and positive perspectives that are visible on the level of media in Australia. The media is successful in managing all these perspectives. Apart from this, the media is also providing suitable structure for the development of existing aspects related to the current disease. In fact, media is also identified as one of the most developed and authorized aspect through which special attention can easily be drawn on the perspectives related to the health issues. The media is helpful in bringing change in the health matters and suitable processes related to it. For making the smooth flow of publicity and the appropriate services, there are various set of recommendations provided. These recommendations may help in providing assistance in the right direction. The first recommendation is related to the expansion and management of media. For this process, launch of media items should be managed in definite manner. Apart from this, the correct usage of media tools may also help in providing specific set of assistance as well. The second recommendation is related to the identification of cultural aspects and procedures. This may aid in providing developmental aspects for the improvement in culturally managed health care issues. References Australian Government. (2017). Australia's health system. Retrieved from https://www.aihw.gov.au/australias-health/2014/health-system/ Belfrage, M. (2007). Why culturally safe health care? MJA Journal, 186(10), 537-538. 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