Monday, January 27, 2020
Instructions for OpenStack
Instructions for OpenStack OpenStack is an arrangement of free and open-source software tools that is utilized for controlling substantial pool of compute, storage and networking resources managed through a datacenter which is overseen through a dashboard that gives head control while permitting their clients to spare assets through a web interface. Since OpenStack is overseeing distributed computing platform for both public and private cloud, it is supported by a portion of the greatest organizations and also a large number of individual group individuals. For creating an instance in OpenStack we need to use the URL To access the cloud compentency centre there is an option for OpenStack. We need to click on that option. A login page will appear where the Domain name is ncirl, we need to put login details like username and password. After login we can check the Instances, VCPUs, RAM, Floating IPs, Security groups, Volume and Volume storage etc. if any previous instances is there we can also check those. In order to create an OpenStack Instances we need to create Key pair. To create key pair we need to select Project à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’Compute. In Compute options like Overview, Instances, Volumes, Images and Access Security. In Access Security we choose the second option Key Pairs. In Key Pairs there is an option create key pair, we have to choose that option. Inside create key pair we have to enter the desired key pair name and click on the option Create key pair. A .pem file will be downloaded to the system, which is used to login to instance using putty. The second step is to click on instances à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ Launch instance then a pop up appears where we have to put an instance name. Available zone is nova and count should be 1. We need to select the source for the instance, we select boot source as image and the required operating system can be Ubuntu 14.04. Now we need to select the Flavor, the required flavor is m1.large. In network tab we select private_default. We dont have to make any changes in network port. In security group tab we select default and http-8080. In key pair we have to select the key pair which was created earlier. In configuration tab we have to paste the shell script for cloud from: Now on clicking the launch instance an instance will be created. Now we have to associate a floating point IP to the instance so that it can be accessed from outside the cloud. The third step is to go to Puttygen and load the .pem file to generate a .pkk file to access the created instance by windows operating system. Now go to Putty and paste the floating IP in the host name bar and then we add the private key which is .pkk which was earlier generated using Puttygen, now click open. I command prompt will appear to the created instance where login details is required like username and password. The username is Ubuntu and password is password. After login we have to verify whether the username is stack or not by using the command line cd ~/../stack. Now we have to check whether the script got completed by using tail/var/log/cloud-init-output.log. The final step is to open the browser and type the floating IP associated to the instance in the address bar. An OpenStack dashboard will appear where we have to input the username as admin and password as password. An OpenStack horizon will appear where we need to go to Project à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ Compute à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’Overview to get the following screen. Personal experience while creating instances in OpenStack While creating key pair I saved the .pem file on my local folder in my system. While generating instance, I faced a problem of getting three IP address on the same instance. I tried for three times each time deleting the previous instance and creating a new one, finally got a single IP on the third try. To make instance visible and for usage we need a floating IP address, but due to limited floating IP it was very difficult to get an IP for my instance. In Puttygen I had to load the .pem file and generate .pkk file which is a private key for windows user. Then after I had to open the putty and type the floating IP address in Host Name session. After that I had to prompt .pkk file from Auth inside SSH.The other issue was after creating .pkk file I was not able to access the command prompt for instance, then by getting guidance from Dr. Ralf Beirig in lecture and only then I was able to overcome this issue. After accessing into cloud I checked the user stack by giving commond line cd ~/../stack to check whether stack is present or not in home folder then I gave command line of tail /var/logs/cloud-init-output.log to show the status of current script. In the URL, I pasted my floating IP and could access the OpenStack horizon by entering username as admin and password as password.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Hate Crime Essay -- Violence Racism Hate Crimes Essays
Hate Crime                                         Violence motivated by a bias against victims’ characteristics which include race, religion, ethnic background, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation, represents a serious threat to all communities. Experts estimate that a bias-related crime is committed every 14 minutes. Criminal justice officials and state policy makers need to realize that it is key to make or adjust hate crime legislation. This has been a heated debate for centuries. The key to solving the ever-growing problem of hate crimes is more hate crime legislation. The first legislative efforts to address bias-related crimes, dated back to the late 19th century, which was a response to the expanding Ku Klux Klan and segregation in the south. Such laws included mandates against wearing masks and hoods. The next wave of legislation relating to hate crimes resulted from the movement for increased protection for civil rights in the face of widespread racial prejudice shown by segregated buildings and restricted access to public and private resources. The most recent legislation has been directed specifically to acts of hate against people of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc. The Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act, S. 625, also known as the                                                   Hate Crime Prevention Act, if enacted would strengthen current law as it relates to hate crimes motivated by a victim’s race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, etc. Hate crimes are not only destructive to the victims and their families, but damaging to the victims families and friends. It also is very damaging to our American ideals. America stands and shines for diversity and equality. In a way hate crimes are not only threatening to the individual being attacked but to America as a whole. Last year, Congress had the chance to pass strong hate crimes legislation. On June 19,2000, the Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act of 2000 was approved by the senate as an amendment to the defense authorization bill. People who act on hate need to know their punishment will be severe and harsh. Hate crimes threaten the safety of many citizens and in a way disrupts the entire communitie. Hate crimes can not be tolerated. Hate crimes are a harsh reality in the United States. The reason it is so hard to come to a c... ...t walking down the street and being themselves. The examples are endless. The fight against hate crimes on the national and local levels must get more aggressive. We, as a nation, must act now. Under existing federal law, a person or group of convicted of crimes against someone who was targeted â€Å" because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability or sexual orientation†faces stiffer federal penalties than those provided under state law. The proposed legislation would eliminate the current requirement that the government prove the perpetrator’s intent. Instead, federal prosecutors could go after hate crimes without proving that the perpetrator was motivated by prejudice. More hate crime legislation will help give victims increased protection, keep streets safer and increased punishment for vicious criminals who base their attacks on hate and bias. More hate crime legislation will give criminals who commit these terrible crimes the punishment they deserve, while it gives innocent victims the peace of mind to know that justice will be done. No matter what happens in Congress, 42 states are already prosecuting hate crimes.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
E †Marketing of the Music Products Essay
The success of music marketing traditionally has been determined by the power of the musicians artists and the consumers. However there had been a quantum change in the power recently thanks to the increased use of information and communication technology. The music industry had long held the power to control the development of the marketing, but the advent of the internet and the technological advancement in the information and communication technology has allowed the artistes and consumers to take power of their own. There were initial apprehensions about the impact of the internet on the marketing of the music industry due to the presence of file-sharing and peer-to-peer networks that might hinder the growth of sales of the music products. However it so happened that the internet has opened up a sea of chances for the growth of the marketing of the music products through the development of new retail channels for consumers as well as for the artistes to take advantage of the increased customer net work. This marketing channel has made much more music available to a much wider and larger set of audience and consumers. Punjabi music and songs have been estimated to originate between the 14th and 15th century, as folklore with the farmers composing songs in their own dialects and tunes. There are different varieties of Punjabi music that enthrall the music lovers. The Punjabi music market had grown with the time by selling the products through recorded cassette tapes and then through the medium of compact discs. With the passage of time the internet marketing has taken over the reins and the industry developed with newer and improved technological means of marketing the ancient cultural treasure. The internet marketing has proved to be an effective platform for the Punjabi music to gain popularity not only in India but throughout the world. There is a huge difference in the marketing strategy and approaches of the Punjabi music industry before and after the introduction of internet as a marketing medium. Internet marketing has made the industry to constantly work on finding new strategies to develop the marketing efforts. While originally it was apprehended that features like file sharing and peer-to-peer networks will hamper the growth of the sale of Punjabi music products, there were no such hindrances in reality and the industry is growing day by day with the introduction of new and improved music themes. With the help of internet marketing the purchasing of music products has improved considerably and this has increased the customer needs and preferences. In this context this study looks at the contribution of internet marketing to the growth of sale of Punjabi music products and how internet has helped the music industry to introduce new and improved methods of marketing. The scope of the study is to review the development of the Punjabi music industry over the period of time along with the development of the internet marketing concept. The study also analyses the problems in the music industry associated with the development of the internet market. 1. 1 Research Objectives While looking at the overall development of the internet marketing of the Indian Punjabi music the study has other objectives like 1. Comparing the differences in the marketing approaches prior to the introduction and development of the internet marketing and the present day approaches backed by internet marketing. 2. Exploring the available present and future technologies that can help the music industry grow 3. Analysing the impact of these technologies on the conduct of business and development of marketing for the music industry in general 4. Reviewing the response of the music industry to the technological developments 5. Assessing the impact the internet marketing had on the consumer preferences and tastes in the context of the music industry in general and Punjabi music in particular 6. Assessing the impact of file sharing and peer-to-peer networks on the internet marketing of the music products. 7. Assessing the possibility of turning the illegitimate music routes to legitimate saleable propositions. 1. 2 Research Scope The study intends to review the development of the marketing concept of the music industry in general and the Punjabi music in particular over the period of time till the introduction of the concept of internet marketing and how the marketing concepts have changed over time. This can be seen from the changes in consumer preferences over the time in them asking new and more improved ways of listening to the music without losing the quality of the music. Examples in this connection are the I-pods and MP3 concepts. The findings of this study will greatly interest the music lovers as well as the music industry because some interesting information on the E-marketing strategies would be evolved which can help them to adapt to the latest developments in the technology. The study will also extend to the analysis of the reasons and extent of piracy prevalent in the music industry and the scope for converting such piracies to saleable propositions. Overall the study aims at reviewing the growth of the music industry over the period of technological improvements. 1. 3 Research Questions This study attempts to answer the following research questions among other things: 1. What is the impact of technological developments in the marketing growth of the music industry in general and Indian Punjabi music in particular? 2. What are the changes in the consumer preferences in respect of the music products with the development of internet marketing in the music industry? 3. What are the chances that piracy in the E-marketing can be contained with respect to the music products? 1. 4 Structure of the Dissertation In order to make a cohesive presentation this dissertation has been divided in to different chapters. Chapter 1 makes a brief introduction to the readers about the background of the Punjabi music and the internet marketing being the subject the thesis is going to deal. This chapter also outlines the objectives of the research and sets the questions that the research intends to find answers. Chapter 2 makes a detailed review of the available literature on the internet marketing of the music products and the associated issues with a view to familiarize the readers to the discussions on the core subject of the paper ‘Impact of Internet on Indian Punjabi Music Industry: An overview on the Internet Marketing of the Music Products’ . Chapter 3 presents an account of the research methodology that was adopted to gather the information and data needed for the completion of the research along with a justification for the chosen method of research. The findings of the research and an analysis there of constitutes Chapter 4. Some concluding remarks recapitulating the issues discussed forming the content of the text is presented in the final chapter 5. There were certain limitations of this research which are mentioned in the concluding chapter. Chapter 2 Literature Review The scope of this chapter extends to the presentation of a review of the available literature on the subject of the impact of the internet marketing on the Indian Punjabi music industry. While reviewing the literature on this particular subject the study also extends to an analysis of the impact of E-marketing on the music industry and its products. 2. 1 Indian Punjabi Music – a Background As observed earlier the origin of the Indian Punjabi music dates back to the 14th or 15 the century. Developed as folklore the music had the exquisite character of instilling energy and rhythm in to the lives of those who sing these songs. There are a number of varieties of Punjabi songs like â€Å"bhangara, jhumar, luddi, giddha, julli†and so on. The music had a vibrant style which made it popular in the world and with the migration of the people the music also travelled westwards. With the fascination for this kind of music the Punjabi music and songs have acquired a greater significance in the international world of music. Music charts are being prepared with the flavor of this Asian culture. The Punjabi music has developed to such an extent that it is compared with other popular music like rock and reggae. Even European songs are infused with the mixture of the Punjabi music and songs and have attracted music lovers all over the world. (Indian Child) 2. 1. 1 Development of Indian Punjabi Music ‘Bhangra’ one of the traditional forms of Indian Punjabi music has become increasingly popular in the Western music cultures over the period. With a tradition of more than 500 years old ‘bhangra’ which was performed during harvest festivals was increasingly being performed in weddings and other joyous occasions like New Year celebrations. According to Asia Today though the Indian Punjabi music ‘bhangra’ is still performed in its traditional form, in recent years the music has taken new versions in the form of ‘remixes, film songs, hip-hop, reggae and house music’ and through these new forms has developed a growing Western audience in the regions of Europe and North America. The music has seen its developments in the UK during the 1970s when it started influencing the British club scenes. The development of the music has been accelerated due to the presence of a large section of South Asian Diaspora especially belonging to the second generation youngsters in the whole of Europe and more specifically in the UK. In the recent past ‘bhangra’ has reverted back to its original drum beats and it is sure that this music will enthrall more audience world wide in the years to come (Asia Today)
Friday, January 3, 2020
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