Thursday, December 26, 2019
I Am A Student In The Master Of Divinity Program At...
I am a student in the Master of Divinity program at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, anticipating graduation in May 2017. The Master of Divinity program has broadened my whole understanding of the Church and God, and has established a desire to further explore theology in the academy. Therefore, I am applying to the Master of Theological Studies program, with a desire to focus on Theology and Ethics. I am seeking admission into this program to further my growth as a scholar and researcher of theology in the context of western media. Studying theology and social ethics at Garett-Evangelical has broadened my understanding of ethics relative to theology. The most important thing that I have learned is how to think critically while†¦show more content†¦This further developed my interest in critically reflecting on these films while engaging theology and moral ethics. Since I come from a traditional culture myself where the films are reflective of the Pakistani culture, depicting values, norms, religious and societal rituals, use of poetry, friendship, love, and community, I became more interested in learning what makes the American film industry so influential even to the people in the seminary and how it spoke to the theologians. Since languages are different throughout the world, but not the literature, this made me dig deeper into learning how ethics shapes the literature of the films that are opaquely theological in nature. Perceptions about values can be different based on the differences of cultures, and the styles of writing can be different, but I am interested in learning why and how the cinema at large impacts its viewers differently, asking the question â€Å"Does film reflect a convenient archetype for novel community situations – a sort of â€Å"default ethical behavior†that the community follows but adapts as necessary for new situations?†Having spent four years at Garrett- Evangelical, I have been introduced to different kinds of theologies. My theological education has broadened my whole concept about understanding theology. It has resonated with me at different times forShow MoreRelatedCultural Reflection : Cultural Continued Reflection1073 Words  | 5 Pagesmean? I was born and raised in Pakistan and moved to the U.S. in August 2013, for my Master of Divinity program at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, IL. I was born into a Pakistani (Punjabi) Christian Anglican family, which makes me a Gentile. This is because my ancestral background is not connected, directly or indirectly with Abraham or King David, but with the Aryans who once inhabited the sub-continent as cannibals and heathen-worshippers of the Sun, Moon, sea and music. I have beenRead MoreI Am A ----Year Old Christian Woman. I Come From Pakistan1256 Words  | 6 PagesI am a ----year old Christian woman. I come from Pakistan and am currently working on my Master of Divinity program at Garrett- Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston, IL. I am looking forward to graduating on May 12, 2017. I am a United Methodist and a certified Candidate for Ordained Ministry. I am on the elder track. Last year, I also became a certified lay minister and was recommended for Local Pastor’s License; however, I did not receive any appointment. Serving God and God’s people hadRead MoreThe Most Formative Experience Of My Christian Life1828 Words  | 8 PagesConference of the UMC  i.         The Most Formative Experience of My Christian Life: I grew up in Pakistan with a diverse culture around me. Before moving to the U.S., the city I grew up in was a blend of people who lived there because of their jobs, education and business purposes. I learned that poverty, marginalization and violence, neither had a religion nor selects people of a specific faith to attack them. This made me devote myself to the church and its programs to serve all children of
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bombings - 1200 Words
Only three atomic bombs have been dropped in history. Little boy, was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Fat man was dropped on Japans capital, Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. And finally, Trinity was the code name for a test bomb which was a replica of Fat man. It was dropped on July 16, 1945 in New Mexico. A fourth bomb, named thin man, was proposed and scientists worked on it until it was aborted. These bombs were all used for war purposes in World War two. The code name for the making of these bombs was the Manhattan Project. It started formally in 1942. The US led it but was supported by the United Kingdom and Canada. US president Franklin Roosevelt approved of it in late 1941. It was created for fear Germany was making Atomic Bombs. It employed almost 130,000 people including brilliant scientists such as Albert Einstein. There were over 30 sites in the US, UK, and Canada where research and development took place. It costed 2 billion US dollars, now the equivalent of 26 billion in 2014. The Manhattan Project was under the direction of Major General Leslie Groves of the US Army Corps of Engineers from 1942 to 1946. There were two types of bombs created. A gun type fission weapon(little boy) and an implosion type weapon(fat man). There was no warning of the first atomic bomb for Hiroshima. There was however a warning for Nagasaki. Leaflets were dropped all over the cities of Japan warning of a second atomic bomb, just as deadly as the first. KokuraShow MoreRelatedThe Atomic Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki2142 Words  | 9 PagesThe horrific atom bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan on August 6th and 9th of 1945 brought about several reactions in the United States. Starting with the controversial events leading up to the atomic with the Potsdam Proclamation, many Americans began to wonder whether the total destruction of these two cities were necessary. However, immediate American responses and reactions to the bombs were contrary to what they became later on. Americans slowly stopped being ignorant of what had happenedRead MoreThe Atomic Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki Essay2146 Words  | 9 PagesThe atomic bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 is the most controversi al military decision in the history of Air Power, and may even be the most controversial decision in history. The first of the bombings happened at Hiroshima, where the B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay dropped Little Boy, an Uranium-based atomic bomb. Structural damage estimates vary, with some sources claiming the blast and fires destroyed about 90% of the city ( Staff â€Å"Bombing of Hiroshima andRead MoreThe Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki1656 Words  | 7 PagesDid the atomic bomb have to be used in World War II on Japan? There were multiple reasons why the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were necessary. One of which is to reduce the chance of Allied casualties if the war continued. Another reason was to prohibit the possibility that an Axis country such as Nazi Germany, could create an atomic weapon. A third reason or is whether or not the use of atomic weapons on innocent people was worth the media backlash. A final reason is that the workR ead MoreThe Atomic Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki Essay867 Words  | 4 Pagesa better picture of the world. In doing research, Steve Sheiken, an historical researcher concluded, â€Å"Of the 76,00 buildings that stood†¦70,000 were completely destroyed in Hiroshima (Sheinkin, 204).†I am here only to inform the effects of the atomic bombing, impacting Japanese lives. These attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki remains one of the most infamous tragedies in history because of the large number of casualties that shattered Japan’s invincibility, leading to the Nuclear Era. Forecast: TheRead MoreThe Atomic Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki Essay866 Words  | 4 Pagesus to create a better picture of the world. In doing research, Steve Sheiken, a historical researcher concluded, â€Å"Of the 76,00 buildings that stood†¦70,000 were destroyed in Hiroshima (Sheinkin, 204).†I am here only to inform the effects of the atomic bombing, impacting Japanese lives. These attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki remain as one of the most infamous tragedies in history, mainly because of the large number of casualties that shattered Japan’s invincibility, leading to the Nuclear Era. Forecast:Read MoreThe Atomic Bombings Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki3700 Words  | 15 PagesIt has been seventy years since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the end of the Second World War in the Pacific Theatre. However, the unconditional surrender that was favored by the Allies was only accepted by Japan after the Soviet Union entry into the â€Å"Greater East Asia War†and the nuclear devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It is a common myth in the Western world that the nuclear bombs â€Å"Little Boy†and â€Å"Fat Man†caused Japan to surrender and in turn saved the lives of thousandsRead MoreThe Atomic Bombings Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki1702 Words  | 7 Pagesstudents reside in. Naturally, students’ educations tend to focus on events that occurred more locally, or most deeply affected their area; German students learn more about the Holocaust and Japanese students learn more about the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. E ven if a country wanted to teach a completely inclusive account of World War II, the length and complexity of the war would make that impossible within the constraints of traditional education. Further, the education students receiveRead MoreAtomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Essay879 Words  | 4 PagesPresident Trumans decision to drop the atomic bomb on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the direct cause for the end of World War II in the Pacific. The United States felt it was necessary to drop the atomic bombs on these two cities or it would suffer more casualties. Not only could the lives of many soldiers have been taken, but possibly the lives of many innocent Americans. The United States will always try to avoid the loss of American civilians at all costs, even if that means takingRead MoreThe Justifications Of The Atomic Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki1616 Words  | 7 PagesThe justifications of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have been continuously debated since the time of occurrence. The variety of approaches towards the topic often times lead to ambiguous conclusions that leave debaters dumbfounded. Primarily, there are two moral reasonings that analysts of the event utilize: the utilitarian approach and ethical tradition. The utilitarian approach determines the goodness or evil of an action by its consequences (Holt). It has been said that this approachRead MoreAtomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Science Fiction1626 Words  | 7 PagesFootprint,†he talks about the Japanese movie â€Å"Godzilla,†directed by IshirÃ… Honda. To Honda, this movie had a serious meaning because it was about the atomic bombings that demolished Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It was made to make the audience understand what the Japanese people went through at a time when no one knew what type of damage resulted from the bombings. Susan Napier suggests that the ideological change in terms of both presentations of d isaster and the attitudes inscribed toward disaster derive
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
International Partnerships A Delicate Spacewal
Question: Describe that how the government space agencies are partnering with the private companies with an aim to cut the costs for space exploration? Answer: The article torches on how the government space agencies are partnering with the private companies with an aim to cut the costs for space exploration. For such space projects, the article examines Dragon project and Falcon Project highlighting that these projects cost just half of what developed by NASA. Government projects in collaboration with private companies need different ways of project management like stakeholders, intellectual property, stakeholders etc. Next, the article discusses how Chinese and Indian government faced budget failures. It also overviews how NASA is targeting for public-private partnerships because such commercial companies will help government agencies to tap more efficient energy driven approaches to be used in project management methods. Next, the article discusses how the Brazilian space agency has handled the main challenge of project governance. It also describes how the communication process is followed by NASA with private firms. The article also overviews the how the government agencies are minimising the project risks by simply investing in research and development initiatives which will automatically solve the challenges related to travelling. Finally the article concludes by discussing and examining one constant factor across the space projects either in private or public agencies is the safety. Along with the articles discusses the joint ventures between the various countries to gain space accessibility via ISS. Also the article is accompanied by two case studies: one discusses how a Swedish company who has worked with NASA and ESA for space travelling designs is now applying those designs to Swedish enterprises and society. The second case study talks about Nevada-based electronic systems provider and systems integrator certification product contract from NASA as part of its initiative to certify the Dream Chaser for human transportation. References Giancarlo Genta. Will space actually be the final frontier of Humankind. Retrieved from Sarah Fister Gale. (2013). The next step in the final frontier. Retrieved from
Monday, December 2, 2019
There Is A Cure Essay Research Paper free essay sample
There Is A Cure Essay, Research Paper There is an epidemic in our state, and it is turning stronger daily. Person is non being allowed to populate her/ his life to the fullest grade because of this disease. Its traits can be found in every metropolis, town, and province across the state. No, this epidemic is non AIDS or malignant neoplastic disease: nevertheless, if left entirely, its long term effects can be merely as damaging. The name of the epidemic is censoring, and last twelvemonth, the figure of censoring instances in the school systems across America reached a new high because certain involvement groups feel they know what is best for pupils to think. The censoring of academic stuffs must be banned because no group has the right to enforce its thoughts of political relations, morality, or faith to a group of pupils who have the right to inform themselves on all topics and to exert their ain sense of ground. We will write a custom essay sample on There Is A Cure Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page # 8220 ; The unfairnesss of censoring were in full force at least every bit early as 1644, the twelvemonth English author John Milton wrote his celebrated Areopagitica to support freedom of the imperativeness # 8221 ; ( Tax 154 ) . Last twelvemonth entirely, there were more cases of school censoring than any twelvemonth since 1982 ( Clark 171 ) . The most challenged books cover with the undermentioned topics: sex, feminism, adolescent defiance, AIDS, homosexualism, the negative Afro-american experience, and non-Christian point of views. The overpowering bulk of book expostulations come from parents in the community who have no authorization on what should be censored and what should non be censored ( Clark 54 ) . Deanna Duby, manager of educational policy for the American Way, expects censoring to be on the rise in the hereafter. ( Solin 98 ) . The cardinal intent of schools is to let everyone to hold the chance to larn, Therefore, whenever a school system denies a pupil stuffs because of censoring, that school system is moving against its original intent. School libraries are a distinctively American establishment, invented to see that deficiency of money to purchase books would neer intend that anyone was denied the opportunity to larn. # 8220 ; The American Library Association has long believed that it is the duty of libraries to supply to the public widest scope of stuffs # 8221 ; ( Opp. Views. 141 ) . It is right to expose kids to the failings of our society and promote them to better society. Students should be taught objectively in order for them to do indifferent determinations. That is why it is in the public involvement for publishing houses and bibliothecs to do available the widest diverseness of positions and looks, including those which are irregular or unpopular with the bulk. The school systems do non necessitate to back every thought or presentation in the stuff they make available. It would conflict with the public involvement for them to set up their ain political, moral, or aesthetic positions as a criterion for finding what stuffs should be published or circulated. Educational establishments serve their educational intent by assisting to do available cognition and thoughts required for the growing of the head and the addition of larning. They do non further instruction by enforcing themselves as wise mans for forms of their ain idea. It is incorrect that what one adult male can read should be confined to what another thinks proper. What is obscene to one individual may simply be tiresome to another ( Alpert 66 ) . Therefore, if we were to ban every book that person found obscene, so there would be nil left to read. Censoring violates our cardinal rights and our sense of self-respect. Parents have a right to find what their ain kids read, but non what others read. Students should be allowed to find for themselves whether they agree or disagree with what they see, hear, and read based on values instilled by their households. In society, everyone is guaranteed the right to life, autonomy, and the chase of felicity. In order for these rights to be protected, the authorities devised the First Amendment. The First Amendment perfectly ensures that Congress shall do no jurisprudence esteeming an constitution of faith, or forbiding the free exercising thereof ; or foreshortening the freedom of address, or of the imperativeness, or the right of the people to peacefully assemble ( E.W. 57 ) . The censor is ever speedy to warrant his maps in footings that are protective of society. But the First Amendment, written in footings that are absolute, deprives the State of any power to go through on the value, the properness, or the morality of a peculiar look. Therefore, censoring contradicts the First Amendment. Censorship robs the person of his or her sense of self-respect because censoring, in any signifier, represents a deficiency of trust in the opinion and favoritism of the person ( Opp. Views. 171 ) . Censoring means that a bulk seeks to enforce its criterions on a minority ; hence, an component of coercion is built-in in the thought of censoring. Without sing censored stuff and utilizing it to oppugn what is thought to be true, the true stuff will lose its credibleness, In other words, even if something is wholly true, without oppugning it and seeing the other side of an issue, it will miss the indispensable backup and become idle. Today, there are many marks that our society is in problem. This is nil new. All societies are ever in problem. However, every bit long as the First Amendment is in consequence, every bit long as persons have the chance to analyze all the grounds and to do informed opinions, there is a opportunity that we will happen ways of reforming our jobs. Education is set up to profit the pupil, censoring does non let for this to go on. Baning academic stuffs is showing a greater immorality because it is non leting for pupils to maximise their guaranteed rights. Censoring hinders a pupil # 8217 ; s ability to come on into the hereafter and take duty for his / her actions ; hence, censoring must come to an terminal. If the epidemic of censoring continues to boom in our societym we will lose all opportunities of reforming society, When censoring wins, everybody loses. # 8220 ; Burn, Baby, Burn. # 8221 ; Entertainment Weekly 6 Mar. 1992: 54 Clark, Charles. # 8220 ; School Censorship. # 8221 ; The CQ Researcher Feb 1993: 147-156 Hollis, Alpert. Censoring: For and Against. New York: Hary, 1992. # 8220 ; Is School and Library Censorship Justified? # 8221 ; Opposing Point of views Jan. 1985: 137-174. Solin, Sabrina. # 8220 ; Don # 8217 ; t Read This. # 8221 ; Seventeen September 1994:98 Taz, Meredith. # 8220 ; Keep Censors Out of School Libraries. # 8221 ; Parents Magazine April 1995: 171.
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